What does PANTOhealth do?

Welcome to PANTOhealth, where innovation meets efficiency in overhead line management. Our AI-powered solutions transforms maintenance practices, offering real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and cost-effective optimizations. Experience the future of infrastructure management with us, where delays are a thing of the past, and reliability is the talk of the future.


PANTOhealth​ trusted by well-known players


trusted by well-known players

PANTOhealth Core Services


PANTOhealth expert team analyzes historical data to offer tailored-solutions and solve current issues. We offer consultancy services in engineering, design, and data-driven problem-solving. Through analytics and simulation tools, we detect vulnerabilities, and improve system performance. Our tailored solutions improve reliability, safety, and resource allocation. Partner with us for long-term success in rail infrastructure. Contact PANTOhealth today to enhance reliability, reduce costs, and maximize efficiency.

Maintenance Dashboard

PANTOhealth, where data visualization meets proactive maintenance. Our all-in- one dashboard empowers you to make informed decisions and take action with confidence. With customized reports, real- time notifications, and interactive geolocation visualization, you have the tools to address identified issues efficiently. Prioritize critical areas, access comprehensive insights, and leverage accident footage mapping for thorough analysis. Benefit from deep data processing, trend analysis, and seamless integrations for proactive maintenance planning. Unlock the full potential of your infrastructure with PANTOhealth's feature-packed dashboard, optimizing efficiency and reliability.

Prescriptive Maintenance

Experience maintenance revolution with PANTOhealth. Our proactive approach uses data-driven insights and ML algorithms to provide timely action suggestions. Reduce delays, reactive maintenance, and excessive costs. We analyze historical data, collect vital information like pulse, vibration, and temperature, and simulate scenarios with digital twin technology. Our customizable, interactive dashboard ensures comprehensive control. No more false positives or negatives. Optimize your operations with PANTOhealth today.


Elevate your infrastructure design with PANTOhealth's cutting-edge simulation capabilities. Our patented ML algorithms and interactive dashboard empower engineers to explore limitless possibilities and options. With a user-friendly interface and plug-and-play functionality, our self-service dashboard allows you to design and simulate numerous scenarios effortlessly. Leveraging advanced AI trained with extensive big data, our digital twin simulations accurately replicate real-world conditions. Experience the flexibility of customizable variables and the precision of our detection algorithms. PANTOhealth revolutionizes infrastructure design, putting the power of simulation in your hands.

PANTOhealth Core Services

Overhead line management

What you can have?

Train Management

What you can have?


What you can have?


What you can have?

More than just some services

At PANTOhealth, we mainly offer tailor-made solutions to match your specific needs, KPIs, and situation. Our cutting-edge technology ensures hassle-free implementation, going above and beyond your expectations, and delivering custom solutions that fit perfectly.


Can Be Integrated

PANTOhealth Through Numbers and Facts

+ 0
0 %
Simulation Accuracy
0 KM
Distance Coverage

PANTOhealth LinkedIn Latest updates

Are you looking to discuss your situation with knowledgeable experts? Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. We are always available to assist you.

    You Can See Our Latest Linkedin Post Here

    💡 EIT Urban Mobility’s vision is to transform urban mobility by using cities as innovation hubs. They aim to foster more brilliant, more livable urban spaces through collaboration with industry and academia.

    📢 By inspiring innovation and promoting inclusive solutions, they seek to build a prosperous future for cities centered on quality of life, sustainability, and competitiveness. One of the viral objectives is to invest in and promote creative and cutting-edge companies and start-ups to offer efficient solutions.

    📢 We are thrilled to announce that PANTOhealth, along with Nudgd, ProperGate, and Circu Li-ion, was one of the promising and innovative startups according to the EIT mobility network.